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MediaEvent – Booking & Management

Making stars is a strange process. Characters are created adjusting to the demands of consumer society. Production is developed according to the current trends, product life cycles are calculated. One or two years pass and a new star comes forth, the old ones disappear on billboards that are yellow with age.

However, some artists work relentlessly in face of the comings and goings of short-lived trends. They convey their own thoughts, they live out their dreams. Their art is strong and renews constantly. Some of them make it and are held in high esteem by society, and some others attain only posthumous fame, if at all. They are the ones who create lasting works of art.

The mission of MediaEvent management is to back up these artists by providing both background and financial support. MediaEvent does not aspire for making stars. They do not indend to determine or influence the identity, character or style of the artists. Artists are offered suggestions, but are never instructed.

MediaEvent co-operates with artists who – based on the quality of their work – would achieve their goals even without any management. We only help them on their road: organising, giving energy and last but not least prodiving finances.

We offer our groups the opportunity to record albums. Today recording albums is not done for business, but out of obligation. We are obliged to preserve a cross section of the musical world of the moment, so that when the music is gone, the record would be still there. This is the job of Narrator Records, a member of our group of companies.